Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Things I've Found in AZ: Joel Doppelganger Edition

I'm starting a new series of posts entitled "Things I've Found in AZ." What's it going to be about? All the awesome shit I come across in Azerbaijan umm, DUH! So today's inaugural edition begins with a person I found: a Joel doppelganger. Joel is the name of my younger brother. We look a lot alike, except he's a dude. If I had to pick two words to physically describe Joel they'd be nerd and palillo. (btdubs I'm going to be using Spanish/Spanglish pretty frequently, and not translating. Soooo yea, this would be a good time to start brushing up on that spanish you took for four years in high school!)
And now I'm rambling so back to the point...

Joel has an Azerbaijani doppelganger. The other day I was hangin' out at the Music School here in Zaqatala, chattin' it up with some teachers, when I saw one of my students from last year. He is around 12 or 13 (I think), and I hadn't seem him since May so I noticed he had grown taller over the summer. He also now has glasses. Basically, over the past three months this kid has turned into Joel. Ideally this would be the point in which I post a side-by-side comparison of Joel and his AZ doppelganger, but given that he (the doppelganger) is a minor, posting a picture of him would probably not be appropriate. A picture of just Joel will have to suffice.

Joel and my student both look like this (pretty much):

P.S. So I showed this picture to my student (I have all my pictures on my iPod precisely for moments like these), and he started laughing. Then he said something about qara almaqing. Basically this kid said that it does look like him, except if he were more tanned. (The verb 'to tan' in Azerbaijani is qara almaq, which directly translated means "to buy black.")


  1. lol isn't it creepy? he's just a taller, flaco version of me.

  2. YESSICA!!!! I just found this blog, I'm about to go innnn, I gotta g2 work but I read everything up till here. TO BE CONTINUED SONNN
