Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just another Sunday in the 'baijan

9:00am - Woke up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy. Hopped up out the bed, turned my swag on, took a look in the mirror and said "whats up?," yeaaaaaaaa...not yet. Reset the alarm for 9:30am. Just a few more minutes in bed.

9:23am - Woke up before the alarm. Turned it off. Got up and immediately walked to my computer to check how the Yankees did in Game 2. They lost 7-2. So whack.

9:30am - Brushed my teeth, used the baño. Turned on the stove to heat up water for tea.

9:37am - No tea left in the çaydan. Went with Plan B, instant hot chocolate. Had a cup of it with some Miel Pops cereal.

9:55am - Put some clothes on. Got my bookbag ready to leave.

10:20am - Left the house. Walked to the post office.

10:40am - Met up with my sitemate Löki. Took out money from the ATM. Walked down to the bazar.

11:10am - Wandered around the bazar. Saw Lori, another PCV, and had a quick chat in the street. Eventually found the produce section of the bazar. Helped Löki carry 15 kilos of apples. Also purchased two bunches of basil, a bunch of cilantro, and two liter-size glass jars.

11:37am - Took a marshrutka from the bazar up to where Löki lives. Dropped off the goods at her place and walked to the nearby school for a conversation club at 12.

11:55am - Arrived at the school, found out from the former Flex student who organized it that the guy who has the key only opened the front gate to the school, not the classroom. Some of the boys had arrived. Made one of them run to that guy's house and ask for the key.

12:10pm - After some running around and some more phone calls, finally got the classroom opened. This is the first time this club meets, and there were about 17 kids who showed up for it. They were all super motivated and seemed happy to be there. Great start for a club!

1:30pm - Convo club over. Went to the store nearby to pick up some pasta and bread for lunch.

1:50pm - Back at Löki's. Started preparing lunch which included: cracking open some hazelnuts and washing the greens (I'm the sous chef). Löki makes a delicious pesto.

2:45pm - Ate a plate of pasta with some bread while watching the Music Man for the first time.

3:10pm - Löki brings the apples into the room. Started peeling.

5:30pm - Music Man is over. Realized that musical number from that episode of Family Guy where Peter is on the Pats and he sings that song "Sha-boo-pee" is actually from this movie and not originally a Fam Guy thing. That joke makes a lot more sense now. About 2 kilos of apples still left to peel, but the giant bucket is full. About 29 pounds of apples were peeled.

5:35pm - Washed my hands and got my stuff ready to go back home.

5:55pm - Took the trash with me as I left Löki's.

6:00pm - Dropped the trash in the pile, realized I still had my house slippers on, and walked back up to Löki's.

6:05pm - Left her house for real this time. Put my iPod on. Music makes me happy.

6:20pm - Said Salam to a woman walking by me on the street. She crossed over to talk to me. And she switched to speaking in English! Very nice lady, she's apparently an English teacher in one of the schools in town. She told me I am welcome in her home any time and that I am a very nice girl. How friendly!

6:25pm - Arrived back at my house. Changed into my house clothes (aka hoodie and sweat pants - fall is here, its chilly again).

6:45pm - Went on the computer. Started writing this blog post. Chatted with people online.

7:30pm - Internet died. Watched a few episodes of Community (btdubs its a hilarious show, if you've never seen it, get on that!).

9:00pm - Food time again. Heated up leftovers in the microwave (yep, I have a microwave.) Ate while watching more Community.

10:30pm - Internet is working again! Checked emails. Read some blogs. Skimmed through the news.

12:00am- Finished writing this blog post. 'Twas a great day!


  1. whoa, your day doesn't sound as 'different' as I assumed it would be.

  2. it is and it isn't...i think the major difference is the environment in which i do all these same tasks. NYC is completely different from Zaqatala.
