Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sabado Gigante!

I tend to have a lot of down time, especially at night when the only options are to either go guesting or stay in my house. The weather has been rainy and gross these past two days so I decided tonight would be a staying in night. I heated up some leftovers for dinner and picked out a few movies I'd like to watch (Stomp Out Loud, Sugar, Precious, & Almost Famous). I started out with Stomp Out Loud, which is a taping of a performance by the dance troupe Stomp, who is known for using everyday objects to make music.

I fell asleep halfway through the movie. I woke up just in time to catch the credits, but I was still a bit tired so decided to hold off on the other movies and continue my nap a little longer, this time to the soothing sounds of Norah Jones. I woke up about 20 minutes later singing along to The Prettiest Thing (great song...if you've never heard it, GET ON THAT!). I sat up in my nap bed (yep, I have a bed for napping) and started to type out the lyrics to the song in iTunes. (You know when you click 'Get Info' for a song and you can see all the details? Well there's a Lyrics tab where you're supposed to paste in the words to the song! Awesome right? I know.) Anywho so one of my quirky (read: nerdy) hobbies is to type out the lyrics to songs while listening to them to see if I can keep up with the singer with my typing. So I started doing this for a few songs, and then I started to sing along with them as I was typing, and then I just got the urge to do some karaoke.

But how can I do karaoke if I'm just sitting alone in my room in Zaqatala? Answer: Youtube. For the next four hours I sang along, loudly, to countless songs by youtubing their karaoke version. Thank goodness my host family happened to be at a toy tonight, or else they probably would have come knocking on my door asking why it sounded like I was murdering a cat.

Here's one of the gems I covered tonight:

For whatever reason (probably because I haven't been around Spanish speakers for over a year) I only did songs in español. The best part about this whole thing is that I figured out a way to download the videos off youtube, so now I have a collection of karaoke videos on my hard drive that I can sing along to even when I don't have internet! (You're welcome, neighbors!)

*Note about the title of this post: It's supposed to be funny because my Saturday night was probably the POLAR OPPOSITE of the locura & excitement that I associate with Sabado Gigante. I literally pase la noche cantando sola en mi cuarto, por ma de cinco hora. Kind of lame, I know. Not gonna lie though, it was a lot of fun...and it prooooobably won't be the last time I do this.


  1. lmao, hay hombre...this is hilarious, I'm not gonna hate, do your thing. You should perform for your host family, download some azeri songs etc.

  2. that is a great idea! i think i may do that... they would LOVE that too. every time i bust out into one of the few azeri songs i know people get mad surprised/happy!
