Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Favorite Superhero

So I was guesting at a friend's house a while back, having the usual, some çay and a bit of food. We were watching tv in her living room and she happened to stop on a channel that was playing some cartoons. It looked like a bootleg version of Tom & Jerry... I think the cat and mouse were different colors than the normal Tom & Jerry. So anywho it made me think of that other cartoon they sometimes play here with the mouse that wears a cape and he's super strong or something like that, which got me thinking about superheroes, which got me thinking about what my favorite superhero is. (Yea, that's the normal flow of thought in my brain. I'm kinda weird.)

My two favorites (I can't decide on one) are Spider-Man and Wolverine. Not the crappy Tobey Maguire version of Spider-Man (he's awful), but the one from that cartoon series from the early 90's that used to play on Fox in the afternoons. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Because that one was awesome. Perfect combination of regular life Peter Parker and alter-ego Spider-Man action. I also like Wolverine because he's the badass of the superheroes. He doesn't really put up with people's ish and he has a temper. He has just the right amount of not-so-good good guy in him to make his character much more interesting than your run of the mill superhero. And those claws are awesome. (I would have counted Christian Bale's Batman as one of my faves but then I'd have to acknowledge the existence of the previous (George Clooney, Val Kilmer) horrible ones. Tobey Maguire I can look over, but a nipple suit? Nah chill...that's too much.)

Other random superhero comments:
- My favorite TMNT is Donatello.
- Jason, the Red Ranger, is my favorite of the Power Rangers.
- I used to like Underdog when I was younger, but I was definitely not a fan of the movie. Live action movies of cartoons are terrible, and usually a bit creepy.

It would be very interesting to see what people's favorite superheroes are here in Zaqatala...would they go for the box office hits (Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, etc.) or more cartoon/tv show based ones? Stay tuned for my findings on this.


  1. Not to mention how bad these lines are...


  2. HAHA! one of the comments on youtube was "The other Batman films are good, but this one is below zero."

  3. My Favorites are Batman,Deathstroke,Iron Man,The Flash... I'm from Zaqatala :)
