Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Bucket List: Azerbaijan Edition

I recently passed the halfway mark of my Peace Corps service here in Azerbaijan and it got me thinking -- these past 13 months have gone by maaaaad fast, I should write down all the things I still want to do here! According to that movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, a bucket list is a list of all the things you want to do/see/experience before you 'kick the bucket' aka die. (FYI: Let me just clarify that I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, but there isn't really another catchy term for a list of crap you want to do besides 'bucket list'.)

So here's a list of the things that I still hope to do/see here in Azerbaijan before I leave next fall:
- waterfall in the mountains near Zaqatala
- Nar Fest in Goychay
- Fire Temple in Baku
- Qırmızı Qəsəbə in Quba
- jump over at least 3 fires during the Novruz Holiday
- learn to make plov
- learn how to dance the Avar or Lezgi traditional dances

That's all I have for now but I will keep adding to this list as I remember/discover new awesome things to do/see here. If anyone has any suggestions for this list let me know yo!

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