Thursday, December 2, 2010

that's my STREET name son!

I look different from most Azerbaijanis, and so when I walk down the street I tend to get a lot of stares, odd looks, and my favorite: random words screamed at me. This isn't anything unusual, I'm pretty sure 95% of the PCV's here can attest to the experience of having "HELLO! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" shouted at them at least a few times a day. Lucky for me, I don't look like what Azerbaijanis think Americans look like so I get called a whole bunch of other random shiznit, yay!

First a disclaimer: I don't particularly mind being shouted at on the street, especially because its usually just some curious kids trying to get my attention. I do however mind when people are blatantly rude and disrespectful. You can shout "Hello" however many times you want, but the second you switch to 'F*** You!' THERE'S A PROBLEM! Luckily this has only happened to me a handful of times.

But anyway on to the point of this post: people come up with funny stuff. Below a list of the most amusing words/phrases:

- What's your name? WHAT'S YOUR NAME? WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!?
- Ohhhh, qara qiz! (Translation: Oh, black girl!)
- Teacher Teacher!
- Hello Teacher, how is weather?
- Beyonce (pronounced Bee-yons)
- Löki
- pssst, çinsen? (Translation: psst, Are you Chinese?)
- Barack Obama
- I go to the
- Afrika necədir? (Translation: How is Africa?)

and my personal favorite so far:


  1. You forgot all the non-words we get - like the random jibber jabber some people do making fun of our language.

  2. hey jessica...hahaha...just yesterday, a 6 year old boy in my school told me i was black like the chinese girl also in the class.

  3. hahaha thats hilarious. i'm glad i'm not the only one getting ridiculous monikers!
